Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Clay VI

This wood fired bud vase was recently selected for inclusion into "Clay VI", being held at the Kirkland Arts Center, 620 Market Street, Kirkland, WA. The exhibition opens with a reception on Friday, June 17th, from 6:00 - 8:30 pm, and runs through September 10th, 2016. Images of the work, installed, can be seen HERE

Monday, May 2, 2016

Working Pots

The two wood fired pieces below were recently selected for inclusion in "Working Pots", being held at James May Gallery, 213 Steele Street, in Algoma, WI. The dates for this exhibition are June 2nd - June 27th, 2016. There will be an opening reception on June 3rd.

Sushi Plate with Kintsugui

Guinomi with Shino